New Jersey does not require a lost title bond.
New Jersey Lost Title Information and Requirements:
There are various situations that may require you to request a duplicate title. The best way to do so is to get an appointment to visit a motor vehicle agency. In some situations, you may be able to request one by mail, but that can take 8-12 weeks. Questions, contact us.
Duplicate title for a vehicle that owned or leased/financed:
- Schedule an appointment at a Vehicle Center, complete the Universal Title Application (form OS/SS-UTA) – available online and at motor vehicle agencies.
- Provide a current or expired registration, proof of insurance or a certified registration record.
- There is a $60 fee. The MVC accepts American Express® card, MasterCard®, Visa® card, Discover card®, check, money order or cash at motor vehicle agencies; if submitting through the mail then include a check or money order only, payable to the NJMVC).
- IF the vehicle is leased/financed, you must have all of the above documentation, plus a statement from the current/past lien holder that includes the following:
- Owner’s name;
- Make, year, and the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN); and
- Signed statement from the representative submitting the letter on behalf of the lien holder, declaring that the original title is not in their possession.
*NOTE: A duplicate title issued with a lien will be mailed to the lien holder.
Replacement Title
Fees for lost and damaged titles are regulated by law. A fine may be imposed if the individual who applies for a duplicate title knowingly has the original title.
- Schedule an appointment at a Vehicle Center, complete the Universal Title Application (form OS/SS-UTA) – available online and at motor vehicle agencies.
- Provide a current or expired registration, proof of insurance or a certified registration record.
- Bring original title (if damaged).
- There is a $60 fee. The MVC accepts American Express® card, MasterCard®, Visa® card, Discover card®, check, money order or cash at motor vehicle agencies
Duplicate title with no proof of ownership (mail only)
New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission
Special Titles Section/Duplicate Titles
225 East State Street
PO Box 017
Trenton, NJ 08666-0017
Duplicate title with no proof of ownership (previously registered) (mail only)
- If the vehicle has been registered in the state of New Jersey but a copy of the registration card or insurance documents are no longer available, then certain requirements must be completed, as contained in OS/SS 130A.
Duplicate Title Requirements for Out of State Residents
- Instructions to request a duplicate title under this circumstance are contained in OS/SS129.
Duplicate title: Financial Institution
- If your company has changed names since the original title was processed and the MVC’s database is not yet updated you cannot complete the request. You can call the MVC’s Business License Services unit at 609-292-6500 ext. 5014 to check the status.
- Complete the Universal Title Application (form OS/SS-UTA) – available online and at motor vehicle agencies.
- Provide a Power of Attorney (POA) granting permission for the company’s representative to sign on behalf of the financial institution. Required along with a copy of the representative’s valid photo ID.
- Provide a copy of the financing contract, current or expired registration, proof of insurance or a certified registration record. If the lienholder is applying for a duplicate themselves, without a POA from the owner we require a copy of the contract/security agreement. No other proof of ownership is acceptable in these specific cases.
- If a current or expired registration or proof of insurance is not available, you may apply for a certified registration record by completing a Vehicle Registration Application Request (form DO-11-A) mailing it to:
New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission
Certified Information Unit
225 East State Street
PO Box 146
Trenton NJ 08666-0146
- There is a $60 fee, include a check or money order only, payable to the NJMVC.
Mail-in along with above required documents to:
New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission
225 East State Street
MOS Special Services
PO Box 150
Trenton, NJ 08666-0017
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