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Minnesota Private School Bond's are required by Minnesota's Department of Education to obtain your Minnesota Private School Bond. The Minnesota Private School Bond amount is set at $5,000.
a $5,000
There are 3 parts to a Private School surety bond. The Principal "YOU", The Surety Company, and the Obligee. The Principal is the business or individual applying for the Private School Surety Bond. The Obligee is the individual or entity requiring the Surety Bond and the Surety Company is the company who provides the Surety Bond coverage.
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No license shall be issued to any private career school which maintains, conducts, solicits for, or advertises within the state of Minnesota any program, unless the applicant files with the office a continuous corporate surety bond written by a company authorized to do business in Minnesota conditioned upon the faithful performance of all contracts and agreements with students made by the applicant.
The amount of the surety bond shall be ten percent of the preceding year's net revenue from student tuition, fees, and other required institutional charges collected, but in no event less than $10,000, except that a private career school may deposit a greater amount at its own discretion. A private career school in each annual application for licensure must compute the amount of the surety bond and verify that the amount of the surety bond complies with this subdivision. A private career school that operates at two or more locations may combine net revenue from student tuition, fees, and other required institutional charges collected for all locations for the purpose of determining the annual surety bond requirement. The net revenue from tuition and fees used to determine the amount of the surety bond required for a private career school having a license for the sole purpose of recruiting students in Minnesota shall be only that paid to the private career school by the students recruited from Minnesota.
A person required to obtain a private career school license due to the use of "academy," "institute," "college," or "university" in its name and which is also licensed by another state agency or board, except not including those schools licensed exclusively in order to participate in state grants or SELF loan financial aid programs, shall be required to provide a school bond of $10,000.
The bond shall run to the state of Minnesota and to any person who may have a cause of action against the applicant arising at any time after the bond is filed and before it is canceled for breach of any contract or agreement made by the applicant with any student. The aggregate liability of the surety for all breaches of the conditions of the bond shall not exceed the principal sum deposited by the private career school under paragraph (b). The surety of any bond may cancel it upon giving 60 days' notice in writing to the office and shall be relieved of liability for any breach of condition occurring after the effective date of cancellation.
In lieu of bond, the applicant may deposit with the commissioner of management and budget a sum equal to the amount of the required surety bond in cash, an irrevocable letter of credit issued by a financial institution equal to the amount of the required surety bond, or securities as may be legally purchased by savings banks or for trust funds in an aggregate market value equal to the amount of the required surety bond.
Failure of a private career school to post and maintain the required surety bond or deposit under paragraph (d) may result in denial, suspension, or revocation of the school's license.