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California Credit Service Organization Bond's are required by California's Attorney General to obtain your California Credit Service Organization Bond. The California Credit Service Organization Bond amount is set at $100,000.
a $100,000 surety bond
There are 3 parts to a Credit Service Organization surety bond. The Principal "YOU", The Surety Company, and the Obligee. The Principal is the business or individual applying for the Credit Service Organization Surety Bond. The Obligee is the individual or entity requiring the Surety Bond and the Surety Company is the company who provides the Surety Bond coverage.
Try our 100% Secure Credit Service Organization Bond Online Application to get the Lowest Credit Service bond rates in all 50 States.
You can buy your California Credit Service Organization Bond (Apply) online immediately
In order to obtain a Certificate of Registration from the Department of Justice as required by Califomia Civil Code section 1789.25, you must complete the application and provide all required documents. Please submit the application, along with a copy of your contract, information statement, separate notice of cancellation, and all other documents your organization requires the buyer to sign. Please send this information with a $100 filing fee made payable to the Department of Justice to:
Department of Justice
Attorney General's Office
P.O. Box 85266
San Diego, CA 92186-5266
Before a Certificate of Registration can be obtained, it will be necessary for the credit services organization to obtain a bond in the amount of $100,000, or make a deposit in lieu of the bond, and to file a copy with the Secretary of State. We will not issue the Certificate of Registration until the Secretary of State acknowledges that the bond or deposit has been properly filed. Please contact the Secretary of State to obtain the necessary forms.
Please contact the Secretary of State at the address below to obtain the form, or download a pdf copy from their web site.
Secretary of State
Special Filings Unit
1500 11th Street
Sacramento, CA 95814
This application will not be processed until the completed application form, all required documents, and the $100 fee have been received, and the Secretary of State has acknowledged receipt of the bond or deposit.