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Arkansas mortgage broker bond is a type of surety bond that is required for mortgage brokers in the state of Arkansas to obtain as part of their licensing process. The bond is designed to protect consumers from any financial losses that may arise from the actions of the mortgage broker. The Arkansas Securities Department requires mortgage brokers to obtain a surety bond in the amount of $100,000 before they can be licensed to conduct business in the state. The bond serves as a guarantee that the mortgage broker will follow all applicable laws and regulations in their business operations. If a consumer believes that a mortgage broker has acted improperly or violated any applicable laws or regulations, they can file a claim against the broker's bond. The surety company that issued the bond will investigate the claim and, if it is found to be valid, will pay out compensation to the consumer up to the full amount of the bond.
Arkansas Mortgage Broker Bonds are required by Arkansas's Securities Department to obtain your Mortgage Broker license. The Alabama Mortgage Broker Bond amount is set at $100,000. This License is required of any company or sole proprietor who directly or indirectly solicits, processes, places, or negotiates mortgage loans for a borrower, or offers to solicit, process, place, or negotiate mortgage loans for a borrower on Alabama residential real estate.
$100,000 as a minimum to have a Mortgage Broker License.
There are 3 parts to a Mortgage broker surety bond. The Principal "YOU", The Surety Company, and the Obligee. The Principal is the business or individual applying for the Mortgage Broker Surety Bond. The Obligee is the individual or entity requiring the Surety Bond and the Surety Company is the company who provides the Surety Bond coverage.
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Requires a minimum of a $100,000 surety bond. If the
total loan amount exceeds $10,000,000 then the surety bond is $150,000. A
$200,000 is required if the total loan amount exceeds $25,000,000. Each year on
March 31st, bonds need to be renewed and the increases need to be