Mississippi Lost Title Bond

Mississippi Lost Title Bond

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What is an Mississippi Lost Title Bond? 

Mississippi Lost Title Bonds are required by the state of Mississippi's Department of Revenue to obtain your title and register your vehicle, boat, RV, mobile home or trailer.  The bond ensures that you are the rightful owner of the vehicle, Mobile home, trailer etc. The Mississippi Lost Title Bond guarantees damages up to the bond limit for a legitimate title holder that may surface in the future with a valid claim to the vehicle, Mobile home, boat or trailer.

Different parts of a bond:

 The bond is required when The Obligee (obligator) is the entity requiring you to get the bond.  There are 3 parts to a surety bond. The Principal, The Surety Company, and the Obligee. The Principal is the business or individual applying for the Surety Bond. The Obligee is the individual or entity requiring the Surety Bond and the Surety Company is the company who provides the Surety Bond coverage.


Try our 100%  Secure Lost Title Bond Online Application to get the Lowest Lost title bond rates in all 50 States.


You can buy your Mississippi Lost Title Bonds (Apply) online immediately, with no credit check for most Lost Title Bonds.

How much does a Mississippi Lost Title Bond cost?

For Mississippi Lost Title Bonds under $5,000 the cost of the bond is $100. For bonds over $5,000 the rate is 1.5%

Mississippi Lost Title Bond Information and Requirements

1. Only apply for a replacement title if you are certain there was a previous Mississippi title.

2. Application for replacement title (78-006) requires a fee of $9.00.

3. Application for FAST TRACK Replacement Certificate of Title (78-026) requires a fee of $39.00.

4. If the replacement title is to be mailed to anyone other than the owner, you must submit a power of attorney, executed by the owner, authorizing us to do so; and the person holding 'power of attorney must sign application and indicate "P.O.A." Licensed dealers must use the Secure Power of Attorney Form 78-004.

5. If the current title was issued in joint ownership with the names joined by "and" both signatures are required on the replacement application.

6. If a lien shows on the Department of Revenue's computer system, the replacement title can only be mailed or given to the lienholder, unless a completed lien release is provided by the lienholder. If the lienholder has gone out of business or changed names and the loan has been paid in full, it is still the owner's responsibility to obtain a lien release.

7. Once a replacement title is issued, the original title becomes VOID. If the original title is later found it should be surrendered to the Department of Revenue

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